Just over 40 TORCA folks headed out on a glorious Sunday morning April 8th for a Mystery Meal. Taking a leisurely cruise through the farmlands out east, seeing farms and animals aplenty, the views were beautiful as we drove back west on Highway 7 into Lafayette. The meal was at the Acreage Stem Cider facility and restaurant where we enjoyed a common table, great food, and home brewed cider. Barry and Irene Lovvorn hosted this event and Kelsey of the Acreage gave a tour and talk in the downstairs “brewing room” where we met Master Brewman Ian who was on hand taking great care of the next batch of cider. The Acreage is upon a hill that overlooks the West Range and has views that go forever. On a summer evening, it would be a grand place to catch the sunset, play cornhole outdoors and just enjoy the relaxing atmosphere. Having just opened in February, there are many plans yet in place: to have a sustainable garden outdoors, small farm animals such as chickens, goats, and even an open-air amphitheater for concerts. Over the summer, lots is happening at the Acreage!! You should check it out….