Fall Autocross a big success

A big thank you to all the racers and volunteers that made it out to Front Range Airport bright and early.  Your help was greatly appreciated.

The morning weather was certainly interesting. A constant humid mist that made everything damp for morning registration and tech. Luckily by the time we started to race, the pavement albeit it cold was dry. The late morning and afternoon brought us some much needed sunshine and warmth.

We had approximately 43-45-race entrants with a total of 12-metal cars in attendance. The afternoon race thinned out a little with fewer metal cars. The event ran very smooth with all the support we had onsite.

The course layout we ran was a trial run for the 2019 convention. We did a great job of getting 3-cars on the course safely. We had a consistent release from the starting line to keep the flow going. All this is needed to be able to run 200+ cars in a single day. This layout should be a nice surprise to those around the country that do not have as much space to race on as we do in Colorado.


Get behind the wheel…  Check out the video